أخبار العالم السياسية والاقتصادية والطبية والرياضية....الخ
الاستاذ منير السبحي يرحب بكم في موقع أخبار العالم الدولية والمحلية ويدعوكم للتسجيل والمشاركة الفاعلة وتبادل المعلومات المفيدة
أخبار العالم السياسية والاقتصادية والطبية والرياضية....الخ
الاستاذ منير السبحي يرحب بكم في موقع أخبار العالم الدولية والمحلية ويدعوكم للتسجيل والمشاركة الفاعلة وتبادل المعلومات المفيدة
أخبار العالم السياسية والاقتصادية والطبية والرياضية....الخ
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

أخبار العالم السياسية والاقتصادية والطبية والرياضية....الخ

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 Success Made Simple

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 52
نقاط : 67045
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 31/08/2012
العمر : 47
الموقع : muneer.freeyemen.com

الورقة الشخصية
الدرجة الاولى: 5

Success Made Simple Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Success Made Simple   Success Made Simple Emptyالأحد 2 ديسمبر 2012 - 18:55

Success Made Simple

Yes, there is a way to Succeed without all the hard work…

Success is Easy.

Yes it’s Easy, when you follow the right strategy.

But no one gave you that strategy.

Instead they gave you the wrong strategy.

They said you had to work hard to succeed.
You believed them.

And so you work hard, hoping it will lead to success.
You keep working harder and think one day it will all payoff.

Then the days, months and years go by.
You put in a lot of hard work, long hours, but still no success.
Instead, you may be worse off.

You don't see your family because you're working.
You don't have the free time that you want because you're working.
Your bank account balance is shrinking, the bills are piling up and you have more debt.

You try to work harder, hoping to get that promotion or a better job.
You bank some extra time so you can one day take that great vacation.

You’re still waiting to take it.

And you’re still not as successful as you want to be.

You were told to work hard and you'll succeed.
It may have been your mother, father, brother, trusted friend and colleagues who said you had to work hard to succeed.

They even told me that.

And like you, I believed them.

They also said you had to make a lot of sacrifices to get to the top.
You had to work long hours and give up a lot to get there.

And so you did.
You kept working harder, longer, you work more, you keep pushing
yourself and then you look around and you don't see the success you

So now you've had enough.
I don't blame you.
I had enough years ago.

You want to be successful but you don't want to work all that hard.
Heck, you're tired of working harder, longer and more often.

You put in more hours; you still don't get that promotion.
You still don't get that raise.
You still don't see your family.

I did that.
I did it for a long time.
I worked really hard.

I even thought I was successful but I really never felt successful.

I looked around; I had a good job, got paid well, and had some money in the bank but not nearly enough to retire on.
And that was about it.
No family.
No relationship.
Some good friends who kept pushing me to work harder and so I did.
But I still never felt successful.

That's when I realized a couple of things.

Working hard doesn't guarantee success.
You can work hard your whole life and still never enjoy the success you want or feel you deserve.

And just because you have some money or a good job doesn't mean you’re
successful. Although having a lot of money (as I have since discovered)
sure makes things a lot easier. It takes a lot of the stress off your

Success = Doing the Right Things at The Right Time

Over the years you defined what success means to you.
Maybe it depends on how much money you have, what kind of car you drive,
what kind of house you live in, where you live, what school your kids
go to, or what you do for a living.

There's no right or wrong answer.

You decide what success means and only you get to decide if you're successful, based on your definition of success.

And over time that definition can change.

Years ago I wanted to be a Journalist and decided I wanted to be a Television Reporter.

So I did what they said.
I worked hard, longer, and as often as I could.
I mean I really busted my hump.
At one point I worked 24-hours straight.
I was on television everyday.
Everybody knew who I was.

People thought I was successful.
But I really didn't feel all that successful.

That's because I didn't have my own definition of success.
If somebody thought I was successful, who was I to argue?

But after a while it just didn't feel right.

So I had to define my own success.
It's something I encourage you to do and in a few minutes I'll show you how to do this on your own.

One day I sat down and thought about what success meant to me.
When I finally figured it out I was extremely disappointed to discover that by my own definition of success I wasn't successful.

Then that sinking feeling got a little worse when I realized just how
much I had to change in order to feel successful by my own definition.

There was a lot that had to change and at first I thought there was simply too much to do.

"I can never do this" I thought.

I doubted myself.
I didn't think I had the confidence, the knowledge, the ability to accomplish so much in a short time.

"Who am I kidding?" I asked myself. “I might as well just stick to what I
know, it's easy, and I’ll be okay. Let others enjoy the success. What's
the point?”
The thoughts raced through my mind.

But I had this tugging inside; my life just wasn't good enough.
I had to change my situation.

Life is too short to be miserable.

I looked at all that had to change and I thought there was too much to do.
I wanted to give up, I wanted to quit.
Many times I thought about just throwing in the towel.

But then I started applying the Success Strategies.

I simply took the first step and then the next.

I kept applying the strategies and before I knew it my new life was unfolding.

That gave me the courage and confidence to keep going.

And so I did.

I just kept applying the strategies and ignored all those who said "It will never work", including my own mind.

My life changed gradually. I didn’t reach the success I wanted overnight.
It took some time. But the Success Strategies worked.

And now I'm sharing them with you.

You're probably a lot closer to success and happiness than you realize.

And you'll achieve that success and happiness when you apply the strategies that I'm going to give you today.

These are the Success Strategies, the very same strategies that led to my own success, and I didn't have to work hard.

Now these strategies took nearly 20-years to perfect, master, test, and re-test.

There were a lot of things that I did that didn't quite work.

In a few minutes I'm going to share these Success Strategies with you and don't worry, I'll spare you the things that didn't work.

A long time ago one of my personal mentors told me that if you want to
succeed you have to believe in yourself and not dwell on the failures.

"Well, that's great" I said "but how do I believe in myself? How do I
not think about the failures, especially if they seem so big?" I asked.

"That's something you'll have to just figure out and do."

Well, after that conversation I decided I would figure it out and I also decided he wasn't going to be a mentor anymore.

I mean what's the point of telling you what you need to do without
showing you how to do it? Isn't a mentor supposed to show you the how?
After all, that's the most important part.

I spent the next 10-years figuring it out.
I read all those great books on how to change your life and how to think and grow rich. You name it I read it.

And none of them ever explained the how part.

That's what they leave you to figure out.
Kind of pointless if you ask me.

Sure they tell you to believe in yourself, set goals, think positive,
visualize and on and on. But they really don't tell you how to do any of
the things that really work.

Hi, I'm Karim Hajee and for the past 20 years I've been teaching people
how to improve their lives, achieve their goals and enjoy tremendous

Yes I've even showed them how to believe in themselves.
I've been doing that with my best selling Creating Power course and other programs.

If you've worked with my material, you know that I show you how to make
changes, I walk you by the hand and guide you through the process.

There's so much more you could be doing to enjoy the success or happiness you want.

So much that I could never fit all that information, all those little
tips and little exercises into a home study course that would be
affordable. There are literally volumes of information, knowledge and
exercises that I've developed and acquired over the last 30-years... it
could fill an entire computer hard drive. If I were to put it on CDs I
would easily have over a 100-recorded CDs.

Now I've taken all that information, the most powerful exercises, techniques and methods and put them into the Success Strategies

With The Success Strategies you achieve Success
by doing just a few little things each day

It's not about working hard.
We both know that doesn't work.

Instead, you need to apply the right strategies at the right time, to
achieve the success you want so that you don't have to work harder and
struggle more.

By working with these strategies you'll know exactly what to do to
achieve your goals, enjoy success and live a happy rewarding life. And
you'll do the right
things at the right time. Failure is eliminated.

To get the full benefit of applying these strategies you only require one thing; a belief; a belief in your inner power.
This inner power is your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious is all knowing and all powerful.
It connects you with everyone and connects the right people with you.
It can guide you to opportunities that lead to success or that lead to
failure. It all depends on what you tell it to do, or how you instruct

You're constantly instructing your subconscious mind.
You do this everyday with your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, actions and attitude.

Your subconscious follows your habits and beliefs.
You have certain way of thinking, certain beliefs, and things that you do everyday.

When it comes to success you've also developed certain habits that
either lead to success or produce more failure and more struggle.

The most successful people know how to direct their subconscious mind. They do it automatically.

They apply the same strategies that I'm going to share with you here
today – and they do it repeatedly. That's why they always succeed.

Now if they can do it so can you.

You don't need a degree or any formal education to apply these strategies.

You only need to want a better life - that's all.

Whether it's a good relationship, better health, more money, a better
job, more time with your family, more confidence, less fear... you can
succeed when you apply the right strategy... so that you direct your
inner powers to bring you what you want.

If you're not as successful as you want to be, if you're not enjoying
your life then you're not directing your subconscious to attract and
create the success you want. You're not applying the Success Strategies

By actively directing your subconscious mind you begin to create and
attract situations, you meet the right people and you choose the right
opportunities so that you succeed.

You Can Choose To Be Successful

Your subconscious mind will do anything you tell it to do.
When you give it clear instructions you'll get clear results.

Give it vague instructions and you'll get vague results, more struggle and more failure.

If you think and believe (as I once did) that you have to work hard to
succeed, you'll work hard to succeed (just as I did) and you're success
isn't even guaranteed.

If you think and believe that it's hard to meet someone, you'll always find it hard to meet someone.

If you think and believe that it's hard to make money, it will always be hard to make money.

If you think and believe that you can't have what you want, you never will.

And this only happens because you're telling your inner powers, your subconscious mind that you want this kind of struggle.

Now I know you don't really want to struggle. You don't want to have a
difficult time making money, you don't want to keep meeting the wrong
people, or to keep working harder and harder.

So you have to change what's on your subconscious mind and give it new directions and that's what the Success Strategies does. It spells it all out for you, no guess work involved.

Scientific Proof

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